Saturday, May 12, 2012

Safety and Rescue Tips For Kids

Rescue Tips For Kids

• Accidents happen at the pool, lake, river, and ocean. It is best to be prepared.
• The three ways to rescue someone are to Reach, Throw, or Row.
• NEVER jump into the water to save someone
• First Reach for the person. Be sure to hold onto someone or something stable while you are reaching. DO NOT lean over the water while you are trying to save someone.
• If you can’t Reach the person, Throw out something that will float, something the person can hold onto that will help him/her stay afloat until help comes.
• If you can’t Reach or Throw, find an adult who can Row out to the person. A large inner tube, an air mattress, surfboard, or raft are examples of what to Row.
• If you can’t Reach, Throw, or find an adult to Row, go call 9-1-1 to get help.
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